Tricia Cabais: Actress-turned-Scholar from PSHS-CLC

Introduction and Passions

Meet Tricia Cabais: a Grade 11 student from Philippine Science High School – CLC, currently taking Physics as her core and Computer Science as her elective. She enjoys a variety of interests: programming, reading and fashion-related things, such as dressing up, crocheting, and slow fashion. Aside from these, she loves creating and editing her own YouTube videos!

Her Pisay story started with taking the entrance exam; being a part of her elementary school’s top 10, she was required to take the NCE. At first, she didn’t think that she would enter Pisay as she was pursuing a different path back then – acting. After carefully weighing the pros and cons of both her possible paths, she realized that her STEM education would be a greater investment in life. However, if given the chance, she would love to act once again! She has even done so through a play in Grade 9, where she was both a lead actress and a scriptwriter.

SHS Experience

Of course, studying in Pisay had its downsides. When she started studying, Tricia hoped that she would be able to balance her studies with acting. But Pisay really took a lot of her time and it felt like a full-time commitment, studying and doing requirements every day. The overwhelming amount of workload came unexpected for her, finding it hard to manage her time.

Despite these, Tricia describes the people around her in Pisay as one of the best parts about studying there, aside from the good education she’s receiving. They learn and grow with each other. Being exposed to many different opinions made her learn more, and not just academically. Pisay has taught her many things which has made her more aware of the things and events happening around her.

“Personally, I feel like I wouldn’t be the person that I am today if I didn’t go to Pisay. I wouldn’t have learned so many things that I feel like really shaped me and shaped my decisions, my opinions on so many things for my future, societal events, news.”

One of the most memorable moments she had in school is when her friends surprised her during Grade 9 and Grade 11 for her birthday. For her, it’s so nice to have people around you that grow with you and support you. Tricia realized that Pisay gave her long lasting friendships that she knows she can bring with her even into the future. 

“I learn something from them all the time, and we all help each other achieve what we want to achieve and support each other. It’s just really healthy!”

STEM Idols

Ada Lovelace, the first ever computer programmer, is one of Tricia’s STEM idols. She celebrates the fact that amid a currently male-dominated field, the first computer programmer was a woman. Reinabelle Reyes, an astrophysicist who proved Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, is also one of her STEM idols. Tricia considers Reinabelle, who also studied in Pisay, as an inspiring figure that encourages many students that they can also achieve a lot and give great contributions to the world. 

“Seeing someone really be successful in their field and doing so many great contributions to this world, it encourages us to strive more and shows us that it’s possible.”

Goals and Advice

Since she really enjoys creating things of her own, Tricia wants to be able to launch her own website someday. Although she is not sure of what it is at the moment, she hopes that one day, she would be able to bring something new that benefits people in the world.

“Make sure that you’re following your passion. It’s easy to say, but it’s not an easy thing to do. We don’t have the same privileges, we don’t have equal access to the same opportunities, but if you can, really try to follow your passion.”

Tricia reminds aspiring and current science high school students that before entering a field you want to pursue, make sure that you see yourself doing it for the next 10 years. Through this, you would not lose yourself in the process and you could keep going forward. “Make sure that you know what you want.” She also states that even though high school can take a lot of your time, although it might be hard to do, do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of your academics. Find time to take care of yourself as well. 

“Just always remind yourself of why you’re doing the things that you’re doing, why you’re giving in that much effort into everything you do. Just have fun, and enjoy the whole process.”

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