Mitsa’s 1st Online Tutoring Program is done!

March 8: Day 5

Feedback from the mid-implementation survey was taken into account for the improvement of the last half of the tutoring program! Students discussed two days worth of abstract reasoning exercises and learned about positions of adjectives, degrees of comparison of adjectives, kinds of adverbs, degrees of comparison of adverbs, order of operations, and motion.

March 11: Day 6

On this day, topics tackled were odd one out, missing piece in a figure, subject and predicate, kinds of sentences, order of sentences, properties of equality, forces, and energy. As usual, exercises were given for reinforcement of lessons!

March 15: Day 7

The Abstract Reasoning team discussed more exercises, the English team discussed prepositions and conjunctions, the Math team discussed algebra problem solving, and the Science team discussed color, conducting and insulating materials, and phases of the moon!

March 18: Day 8

March 18 marks the last day of the tutoring sessions! The following were discussed: more problems for Abstract Reasoning, miscellaneous topics such as synonyms and antonyms, context clues, and analogy for English, algebra problem solving (part 2!) for Math, and rotation and revolution of both the earth and the moon for Science!

All recorded sessions, slide presentations, and exercises for the topics discussed in the 8-day tutoring program were available for the students to look back on for the post-test for the closing program.

March 22: Closing Program

All things must come to an end, and that includes Mitsa’s first online tutoring program! The agenda for the closing program is as follows:

  1. Icebreaker (Quizizz!)
  2. Overview of Mitsa’s First Completed Tutoring Program 
  3. Post-test (Abstract Reasoning, English, Math, Science)
  4. Final Announcements

Students were also sent a Certificate of Appreciation for their active participation in the tutoring program. Mitsa’s first tutoring program was truly a blast, and we can’t wait for our tutees to soar in their journey through high school!

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