Christmas Fun Facts

by Eena Mikhaela Luces As the festive season approaches, it’s time to dust off those twinkling lights, hang up the stockings, and, of course, welcome the star of the show: the Christmas tree! While you’re busy adorning it with baubles and tinsel, have you ever wondered how this fragrant evergreen became a global symbol ofContinue reading “Christmas Fun Facts”

Spooky Facts About Sleep

by Thandie Aliño Off the very recent celebration of Halloween and the very long “weekend” break, students and teachers alike are possibly exhausted from not just the recent slew of academic deadlines and exams but also costume preparations for their respective Halloween parties. Some may curl up afterwards with a bowl of popcorn to watchContinue reading “Spooky Facts About Sleep”

Is the Multiverse Possible?

“The Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little.” Doctor Strange, 2021 The Concept of the Multiverse What if there’s another timeline where the Philippines immediately closed its borders after the first reported COVID-19 case? Could we have avoided this 3-year economic crisis that affected every sector in our country? Since the 1980s,Continue reading “Is the Multiverse Possible?”

A Star-Studded Christmas: Where does the Parol come from?

The Philippines is known to have the LONGEST CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION in the world. With the longest celebration came the various traditions such as carolling, simbang gabi, monito-monita, and most especially, the parol. But where did the parol come from?

World Biodiversity Day

World Biodiversity Day happens every year during the 22nd of May. This year, it is being celebrated under the slogan: “We’re part of the solution #ForNature”. The United Nations (n.d.) states that the slogan was chosen “to be a continuation of the momentum generated last year under the over-arching theme, ‘Our solutions are in nature’”,Continue reading “World Biodiversity Day”

Pi Day

Pi (𝛑) is one of the most common and popular mathematical constants as 𝛑 plays a central role in Geometry, more specifically in circles. One may recall that the perimeter and area of a circle is 2𝛑r/𝛑d and 𝛑r2 respectively. 𝛑 is also an irrational number and thus cannot be expressed as the ratio between two whole numbers.

Happy New Year: The story of the first fireworks

Around the second century B.C. in China, the first natural firecrackers were first developed using bamboo stalks that would explode when thrown in a fire. Because of a bamboo’s fast growth, their stalks tend to trap a great amount of air which would then lead to compression of air that would make the bamboo burst and explode with a bang.

Was the Christmas Star real?

“Star of wonder, Star of night / Star with royal beauty bright.” With your Christmas trees all decorated, one bright Star stands atop the tree, with its beauty shining this Christmas Eve. But, did the Three Wise Men actually follow a Christmas star?

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